The Big Bang Theory is one of those shows that week after week has me in fits of laughter. Its comedic timing is always spot on and the general madness that surrounds these four super geeks is absolutely brilliant. Generally always in the middle of this, or more like sat in “his” spot on the sofa, is the one and only Dr Sheldon Cooper. Apparently not insane (his mother had him tested!!!), Sheldon is the epithany of MAD SCIENTIST!!! From his love of his MeMaw (Grandmother) to his eternal hatred of geek favourite Wil Wheaton, Sheldon is the ultimate geek and what he says goes. His lack of understanding of basic human interaction is brilliant and brings around a real sweet, yet naïve sense about him. Plus it adds to the entertainment value when he is put in situations when he has to try and act umm, normal. Haha. Something which is nay on impossible for him to accomplish. All this said, Jim Parsons who plays Sheldon is an absolute star…he is also one of those people whom I would love to meet in real life, just to see how much Sheldon there is in the Jim. Some of my favourite Sheldon moments are when he is with Kaley Cuoco's character Penny, the ditzy waitress/wannabe actress. The two of them together are an absolute riot!!!
In the Golden Globes category that both the show and Jim Parsons are in, they're the ones I want to win, without a shadow of a doubt, there's no contest in my eyes.
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