So Amy Steel, widely regarded within the horror community, and in the humble opinion of the Jeniverse, to be one of the most kick ass women in not only the world of Mr Voorhees, yet the world of horror overall. I mean how many characters since have taken that Ginny ethic and basically kicked some serious fucking ass!?! This lady is a legend and as soon as the whole Woman in Horror thing was posed to me, she was the first person I thought of and I am proud to present to you her wonderful answers to my geektastic questions. Please note awesomeness to Chris Carter question. Sooo, without further adu……
Alfred Hitchcock and Tobe Hooper are the directors who provided me with some of my earliest horror memories with The Birds and Poltergeist. What are your first movie memories within the genre and do you have any particular favourites?
The Blob scared me to death at a 10 year old sleepover. From there, it was The Exorcist that still haunts me.
It has been some 19 years since you kicked Jason’s ass, what does it feel like to be one of the original kick ass slasher chicks?
Amazing. I love the character of Ginny. Funny I had no idea of who she wasn't until many years later. Hindsight 20-20 kind of thing. Now I look to her for inspiration when I am afraid- just in facing challenges. Not lie there as some monster chasing me....
Yes! Why not? Ginny grows up...funny, you know I'm a therapist now, and that's what Ginny was studying. I didn't remember that until a fan reminded me. I know I for one would be psyched to see Ginny again!!!
Do you still keep in contact with any of your old co-stars?
I do a convention every now and then. I saw John Fuery a couple of times. And Steve Dash. We all went to the Ali museum in Loisville.
Friday the 13th Part 2 was your first movie. What was it like going into this setting as a 20/21 year old female? What were the attitudes towards women in the genre back then?

You know something, being typecast in that sort of role is no bad thing if you ask me! You are portraying the ultimate in female geekery, you’re both beautiful, covered in blood AND killing the bad guy!!!
It seems that there are increasingly more women working behind the scenes in horror. Did you find that it was male dominated when you were working on Friday the 13th and April Fools Day or was there more of an even balance?
There was one female producer, but other than that it was all men. Truthfully, other than Jason, the men's roles sucked. Don't you think? Behind the camera, the men were pretty strong. Frank Mancuso, Steve Miner. They appeared to know what they wanted.
As the creator of one of the strongest female characters in the sci-fi/horror world with Scully in The X Files, Chris Carter likes his women to be strong. What was it like to work with both him and his wonderful partner in crime, Frank Spotnitz on Millenium? The same goes for Terry O’Quinn and Lance Henriksen, both genre legends in TV and film.
I've worked with Lance a couple of times. He was cool. Low key in an intense way if that makes sense. I didn't have much interaction with Chris Carter. I think he was in LA- we were in Vancouver. But I thought he was pretty hot. He was quiet, attractive and smart. What more do you want :)
Are there any women in particular that you admire within the horror industry? Who is you personal favourite female horror icon?
I don't follow horror films. Just not into seeing people sliced and diced. But I enjoy the fans who do though. They fascinate me.
You left behind an academic career to pursue modelling and acting, do you feel that there are things that you missed out on because of this?
If you could do it all again, would you do anything differently and are there any roles that you wish you’d gotten or at least went for?
Yes, I'm still heartbroken I didn't get Northern Exposure. As for doing things differently, I wish I had more confidence to kick more Hollywood ass, but honestly, I don't think it’s in my cards. My priorities are very different and the connections I want to make with people are based on different values. I don't think I could compartmentalize as well as others.
What has been the most enjoyable part of your career to date and is there anyone you’d still love to work with?
I did a commercial for a gas company about 10 years ago in Monument Valley, Utah. I was riding a Palomino horse at sunrise and full speed through the sage. The only direction I received was to, "gallop faster." Doesn't get much better than that, now does it?
To find out more about what Amy's been up to recently check out her site In Balance With Horses. I think it's awesome!!! <3
Awesome Jennifer! Just awesome!